Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Another winter day today - low temps were in the 40s, high temp was about 52 degrees and there was quite a bit of rain and wind. When we started the generator to get some heat this AM, it started fine, but no power came through to the panel. Climbing down into the forward hold (where the generator lives) with flashlight and tools, I found the breaker had tripped and was hanging by its wires. I took the control box apart, put everything back in its place and the generator worked fine. Ah - heat!
Bluffs with lighthouse in the distance

The rain let up a bit after noon, so we dinghied into shore, met Dick and headed out for a hike along the bluffs. When we were there the other day, everything was so fogged in, we couldn’t even see the water. We walked a good 3-4 miles on the beach with decent weather - only an occasional light rain.
Indigenous plastic waterfowl on the beach

Got back to Dick & Carol’s house (Carol is out of town for a few days) and fixed a clam linguine for dinner, using the clams we collected the other day. Mmmm…

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