Friday, May 1, 2015


Friday, May 1

We had originally planned on leaving Charleston today and continue north, but Elaine had wanted to visit Fort Sumter for some time, and we don't foresee a revisit to the Charleston area for a while, so we decided to stay an extra day to see the Fort. To refresh one's American history, this is where the Civil War started in 1861. In some respects, here in South Carolina, I'm not sure the war has ended.

The Civil War was about one thing - slavery. The South depended on slavery for their plantation economy of rice, cotton and indigo while the North supported the abolition of slavery. Many feel that this was a war that never should have happened and represented a significant Congressional political failure. In this case, the failure of Congress to reach a viable compromise cost the lives of over 600,000 soldiers - more than all other wars involving the United States since, combined.

Ruins of Fort Sumter
Mortar hell embedded in brick wall 
Visiting the Fort meant taking a tour boat over to the island in Charleston Harbor. In theory, one could anchor their own boat nearby and dinghy into the landing, but the anchorage is very exposed and the landing very uninviting, so we decided to take the commercial ferry. The National Park Service has done a credible job at restoring the fort and presenting a very controversial subject in objective terms, although one could tell there was an overtone of political correctness in the presentations. Nevertheless, it was interesting seeing the displays of artifacts and armament, including a mortar shell still encased in the brick wall where it landed.

The history of the fort, however, to me, reinforced the insanity and the futility of war.

The rest of the day was spent at the Visitor's Center and walking around Charleston. As we were almost back to our boat friends passing through town called and we all ended up at an impromptu cocktail party on HERON. A pleasant evening, ending with another beautiful sunset over Charleston Harbor.
Sunset over Charleston Harbor

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